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[2025 KCS Chip Design Contest] SSCS Seoul Chapter Special Award - 방주은

[31st Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Gold Award (Dept. circuit design) - 김재호, 한명호, 방주은

[31st Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design) - 채문재, 장세헌, 황찬웅, 박한기


[16th Electronic Times ICT Paper Contest] 대한전자공학회 학회장상 - 김재호, 한명호, 방주은


[25th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Corporate Special Award - 신유환, 조용우, 이준석

[25th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Minister Award - 장세헌, 채문재, 박한기, 황찬웅

[2024 SNU-Samsung DS Cooperation Center Outstanding Paper Award] Honorable Mention Award - 장세헌

[30th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design) - 신유환, 이준석, 조용우

[30th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Bronze Award (Dept. circuit design) - 장세헌, 채문재, 박한기, 황찬웅

[IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award] - 황찬웅

[IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award] - 방주은


[2023 KAIST-Samsung Electronics Cooperation Center] Best Patent Award - 최재혁 교수님

[24th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Minister Award - 조윤서, 장세헌, 정서희

[24th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Minister Award - 신유환, 조용우, 이준석, 김종화

[2023 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest] Best Poster Award - 이정현, 조윤서

[2023 ISE Summer Annual Conference] Excellent Paper Award - 신유환, 조용우, 김주엽

[2023 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest] Excellent Design Award - 신유환, 조용우, 김주엽

[2023 IEIE Summer Annual Conference] Best Paper Award - 조윤서, 이정현


[IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award] - 박선의

[2022 ISOCC Chip Design Contest] Best Design Award - 박선의, 신유환, 이정현

[2022 KAIST-Samsung Electronics Cooperation Center] Best Paper Award - 박선의

[28th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design) - 박선의, 신유환, 이정현



[IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award] - 김주엽

[22nd Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Presidential Award - 박선의, 조윤서, 방주은

[22nd Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Corporate Special Award - 김주엽, 조용우, 성태호, 박한기

[2021 KAIST-Samsung Electronics Cooperation Center] Best Paper Award - 김주엽

[2021 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest] Best Design & Poster Award - 박선의

[Kim Choong-Ki Award] Best Research Achievement Award - 김주엽

[27th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design) - 박한기, 황찬웅, 성태호, 이정현



[21st Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Corporate Special Award - 임영현, 김주엽, 조용우, 방주은

[IEIE/IEEE 2020 Joint Award for IT Young Engineer Award] - 최재혁 교수님

[26th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design) - 이용선, 성태호, 이정현, 황찬웅

[IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award] - 유세연



[IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award] - 윤희인

[ISSCC 2019 Student-Research Preview (SRP) Award] - 임영현

[25th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Bronze Award (Dept. circuit design) - 김주엽, 윤희인, 임영현, 이용선

[25th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design) - 유세연, 최서진, 이용선, 성태호



[19th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] KSIA President Award - 조용우, 성태호, 이용선, 유세연, 최서진  

[24th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Honorable Mention Award (Dept. circuit design) - 윤희인, 김주엽, 박선의, 임영현

[24th Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Bronze Award (Dept. circuit design) - 이용선, 성태호, 유세연, 최서진

[ISSCC 2018 Student-Research Preview (SRP) Award] - 윤희인


[23rd Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Bronze Award (Dept. circuit design) - 유세연, 최서진, 윤희인, 이용선

[IEEE Student Travel Grant Award (STGA)] - 윤희인



[16th IEEE RF/IC Workshop] Best Baper Award - 임영현, 이정현

[Global Ph.D Fellowship] Selection - 임영현

[Global Ph.D Fellowship] Selection - 최서진

[ISSCC 2016 Silkroad Award] Winner - 최서진


[22nd Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver Award (Dept. circuit design ) - 최서진, 유세연




[Global Ph.D Fellowship] Selection - 윤희인


[Nine Bridge Fellowship] Selection - 성태호





[Nine Bridge Fellowship] Selection - 윤희인

Awards & Honors



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