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2025. 2
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Congratulations! Two ICSL’s Papers Won Prizes in 31st Samsung Human-Tech Paper Award
2024. 12
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[16th Electronic Times ICT Paper Contest]
우수상-대한전자공학회 학회장상 

Jaeho Kim, Myeongho Han, Jooeun Bang
2024. 10
Two ICSL's papers won prizes in 25th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition

Minister Award - Seheon Jang, Munjae Chae, Hangi Park, Chanwoong Hwang
Corporate Special Award - Yuhwan Shin, Yongwoo Jo, Junseok Lee
2024. 10
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Congratulations! Three ICSL's papers have been accepted for presentation at 2025 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2024. 8
Congratulations! ICSL's paper is accepted for presentation at the Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference 2024 held in Hiroshima
2024. 2
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Congratulations! ICSL's paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium on RFIC 2024 held in Washington, DC
2024. 2
Chanwoong Hwang and Jooeun Bang were honored at ISSCC as a winner of "2024 IEEE Predoctoral Achievement Award"
2024. 2
Congratulations! Two ICSL’s Papers Won Prizes in 30th Samsung Human-Tech Paper Award
2023. 12
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Congratulations! Dr. Kim Juyeop got married.
Best wishes for Juyeop's marriage!
2023. 10
Congratulations! Two ICSL's papers have been accepted for presentation at 2024 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2023. 11
[24th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition]
ICSL's papers won 2 Minister Awards

Minister Award - YoonSeo Cho, Seheon Jang, Seohee Jung
Minister Award - Yuhwan Shin, Yongwoo Jo, Junseok Lee, Jongwha Kim
2023. 09
Younghyun Lim became the assistant professor of Kyung Hee University
2023. 07
[ISE Summer Annual Conference]
Excellent Paper Award - Yuhwan Shin, Yongwoo Jo, Juyeop Kim
2023. 07
[IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest]
Excellent Design Award - Yuhwan Shin, Yongwoo Jo, Juyeop Kim
2023. 06
[IEIE Summer Annual Conference]
Best Paper Award(1st place) - Yoonseo Cho, Jeonghyun Lee
2023. 03
Congratulations! ICSL's paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium on VLSI Circuits 2023 held in Kyoto
2023. 02
Suneui Park was honored at ISSCC as a winner of “2023 IEEE Predoctoral Achievement Award”
2023. 01
Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2023 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuit Conference (CICC) held in San Antonio, Texas
2022. 11
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Congratulations! Prof. Choi is selected as an Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC)
2022. 10
Congratulations! Three ICSL's papers have been accepted for presentation at 2023 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2022. 09
[KAIST-Samsung Electronics Cooperation Center] Best Paper Award - 박선의
2022. 03
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Heein Yoon became the assistant professor of UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
2022. 02
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Juyeop Kim was honored at ISSCC as a winner of “2022 IEEE Predoctoral Achievement Award”
2022. 02
Congratulations! ICSL’s Papers Won Prizes in 28th Samsung Human-Tech Paper Award
2021. 11
[22nd Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] Presidential Award - SunEui Park, YoonSeo Cho, JooEun Bang
2021. 10
Congratulations! Three ICSL's papers have been accepted for presentation at 2022 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2021. 09
[KAIST-Samsung Electronics Cooperation Center] Best Paper Award - 김주엽
2020. 10
Congratulations! Three ICSL's papers have been accepted for presentation at 2021 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2020. 03
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Congratulations! Prof. Choi is selected as a Distinguished Lecturer (DL) of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS)
2019. 06
Congratulations! Seojin Choi was offered to be joined to Qualcomm as an intern at San Diego, CA, USA
2019. 05
Congratulations! Heein Yoon was offered to be joined to Qualcomm, San Diego, CA, USA
2019. 02
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Younghyun Lim was selected as “2019 IEEE Student-Research Preview (SRP) Award” winner at ISSCC. It was recognized for the Outstanding Student Research Preview Poster
2021. 02
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Congratulations! ICSL’s Papers Won Prizes in 27th Samsung Human-Tech Paper Award
2020. 08
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Congratulations! Prof. Choi is selected as a IEIE/IEEE Joint Award for IT Young Engineer Award
2019. 02
Congratulations! Two ICSL’s Papers Won Prizes in 25th Samsung Human-Tech Paper Award
2019. 02
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Heein Yoon was honored at ISSCC as a winner of “2019 IEEE Predoctoral Achievement”
2019. 09
Congratulations! Younghyun Lim was offered to be joined to Qualcomm as an intern at San Diego, CA, USA
2018. 10
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Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2019 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2018. 10
[19th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition] KSIA President Award - Yongwoo Jo, Taeho Seong, Yongsun Lee, Seyeon Yoo, Seojin Choi
2019. 10
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Congratulations! Three ICSL's papers have been accepted for presentation at 2020 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2019 IEEE ISSCC held in San Francisco
2018. 03
Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2018 IEEE symposium on VLSI circuits held in Honolulu, Hawaii
2018. 02
Congratulations! Two ICSL’s Papers Won Prizes in 24th Samsung Human-Tech Paper Award
2018. 02
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Heein Yoon was selected as “2018 IEEE Student-Research Preview (SRP) Award” winner at ISSCC. It was recognized for the Outstanding Student Research Preview Poster
2019. 03
Congratulations! ICSL's paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium on VLSI Circuits 2019 held in Kyoto
2017. 11
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Congratulations! ICSL's research has been accepted for presentation at 2018 IEEE ISSCC SRP (Student Research Preview) in Feb. in San Francisco
2017. 10
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Professor Jaehyouk Choi, selected to Samsung’s Future Tech Fostering Projects
2018. 05
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Prof. Jaehyouk Choi, appointed as Korea Representative of ISSCC TPC Members
2017. 10
Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2018 IEEE ISSCC in Feb. in San Francisco
2017. 10
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Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2018 IEEE ISSCC in Feb. in San Francisco
2017. 08
Congratulations! Heein Yoon was offered to be joined to Qualcomm as an intern at San Diego, CA, USA
2017. 08
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Congratulations! ICSL's research has been accepted for presentation at 2017 IEEE A-SSCC in Nov. in Seoul
2017. 04
New Self-Sustained Multi-Sensor Platform for Environmental Monitoring
2017. 03
Congratulations! ICSL's paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium on VLSI Circuits 2017 held in Kyoto
2017. 02
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[ UNIST Magazine ] ' 멋있는 반도체 엔지니어 ' 향해 한 발씩 ! --최서진 대학원생의 이야기
2017. 02
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[23rd Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Bronze medal (Dept. circuit design) - Seyeon Yoo, Seojin Choi, Heein Yoon, Yongsun Lee
2017. 01
Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2017 IEEE CICC in May. in Austin, Texas
2016. 11
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Congratulations! ICSL's research has been accepted for presentation at 2017 IEEE ISSCC SRP (Student Research Preview) in Feb. in San Francisco
2016. 10
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Congratulations! ICSL's paper has been accepted for presentation at 2017 IEEE ISSCC in Feb. in San Francisco
2016. 09
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[Younghyun Lim and Jeonghyun Lee are selected as the “Best Paper Award” winner for 16th IEEE RF/Analog IC Workshop
2016. 07
[임영현, 최서진 Global Ph.D Fellowship 장학 프로그램 선정]
2016. 03
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[Yongsun Lee's paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium on VLSI Circuits 2016 held in Honolulu, Hwaii]
2016. 02
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Seojin Choi is selected as the 2016 IEEE ISSCC Silkroad Award winner
2016. 02
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[22nd Samsung Humantech Paper Award] Silver medal (Dept. circuit design​) - Seojin Choi, Seyeon Yoo
2015. 07
[윤희인 Global Ph.D Fellowship 장학 프로그램 선정]
2015. 07
[성태호 나인 브릿지 펠로십 장학 프로그램 선정]
2015. 05
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[Mina Kim's paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium on VLSI Circuits 2015 held in Kyoto]
2014. 11
[윤희인 나인 브릿지 펠로십 장학 프로그램 선정]
2014. 09
[UNIST 학부생, 잡음 없이 안정적인 고주파 신호 생성기 개발 ]
2014. 09
[ Research Paper in IEEE T CIRCUITS-II (SCI) ]
2013. 10
[ UNIST 학부생 SCI 저널 논문 게재 ]


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